How old is Gilmher Croes?
Gilmher Croes was born on 7 July 1993.
Gilmher Croes is 31 years old.
How old is Gilmher Croes in days now?
Gilmher Croes is 31 years 8 months 2 days old.
Total 11,568 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gilmher Croes?
Gilmher Croes's next birthday is in 3 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gilmher Croes?
Zodiac sign of Gilmher Croes is Cancer.
Gilmher Croes is a TikToker and a creative lip-syncer who has managed to attract an impressive number of followers Born in 1993 in Aruba, he spent his childhood in Oranjestad, the capital city of Aruba, alongside his friends and family which includes his parents, his sister and brother Ghilmher had quite a typical childhood for modern teenagers and spent his early years playing outside and enjoying various online activities. He opened his first Facebook account in the early 2010s and became popular there. In the middle of the decade Croes began working as a model and has got a fame of a social media influencer of the nation. His lip-syncing videos are hilarious and he is also famous for his collaborations with a few famous TikTokers. As of the mid 2024, there are over 35.5 million followers on his TikTok account. It is possible to follow Gilmher Croes on Instagram where the number of his fans is approaching 2 million people.
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