How old is Freya Skye?
Freya Skye was born on 17 October 2009.
Freya Skye is 15 years old.
How old is Freya Skye in days now?
Freya Skye is 15 years 5 months 10 days old.
Total 5,640 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Freya Skye?
Freya Skye's next birthday is in 6 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Freya Skye?
Zodiac sign of Freya Skye is Libra.
Freya Skye is a singer and songwriter who rose to fame as a participant of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest of 2022. Born in 2009 in Buckinghamshire, she was raised by her parents who have been supporting her sheer interest and musical talent for all of her life. Freya started to sing when she was 5 years old, and shortly after she started to learn to play musical instruments. Her first compositions were written by her in the late 2010s, and in 2021 she released her debut single titled "I Love The Way". Next year became the most successful for her so far since she was nominated to represent the UK at the Junior Eurovision Contest with her song "Lose My Head". Her performance was truly great and Freya managed to become the 5th in the finals. After the contest she was invited to take part in a few TV shows and programs like, for example, taking part in a Canadian TV show for teenagers The Next Step. She also gave voice to some characters in a computer game Final Fantasy XVI. In 2024 Freya Skye released a few new singles including "Someone to Love", "Walk Over", and "Winter Dream". It is possible to find her on TikTok where she is sharing plenty of videos with her friends, family, and her beloved pet dog Ruby.