How old is Franny Arrieta?

Franny Arrieta was born on 27 March 1997.
Franny Arrieta is 27 years old.

How old is Franny Arrieta in days now?

Franny Arrieta is 27 years 11 months 15 days old.
Total 10,214 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Franny Arrieta?

Franny Arrieta's next birthday is in 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Franny Arrieta?

Zodiac sign of Franny Arrieta is Aries.

Franny Arrieta is a popular YouTuber and a rising social media star known for her amazing make-up and personal style ideas. Born in 1997 in New Jersey, she grew up alongside her parents who can sometimes be seen in her current videos. In her early childhood Franny loved singing and dancing, and later on she got focused on learning to play the guitar. Like most of her friends, she decided to open her first Instagram account followed by her YouTube channel to share various videos of her life with the whole world. Thus, she has been sharing plenty of interesting stuff with her subscribers since the mid 2010s. At first, her channel was more like a vlog where Franny would upload some funny stories of her and her friends or some cool lip-syncing ideas. But later on she decided to create videos related to make-up or various easy ideas for all teenagers to improve their image and find their personal style. Franny Arrieta loves creating videos and working on her ideas together with her fellow YouTubers and she has a large number of videos featuring such stars as Harrison Webb, Griffin Arnlund, Cydney Carlson, etc. Together with her good friend Nezza they took part in creating a popular online TV series Twin My Heart. Franny has lived in LA since 2016.

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