How old is Flamingo?
Flamingo was born on 11 June 1997.
Flamingo is 27 years old.
How old is Flamingo in days now?
Flamingo is 27 years 9 months 2 days old.
Total 10,137 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Flamingo?
Flamingo's next birthday is in 2 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Flamingo?
Zodiac sign of Flamingo is Gemini.
Flamingo is a popular gamer and a star of YouTube and some other social media platforms. Born Albert Spencer Aretz in 1997 in New Jersey, he had a typical childhood growing up in quite a large family, alongside his parents and four siblings. Since his early years he has been a huge fan of Roblox and similar kinds of games. Besides, Albert was one of the gamers who registered on YouTube among the first. He opened his first channel in 2008 and it was titled AlbertsStuff. It was possible to see some interesting videos about his and his friends playing. In the early 2010s Aretz became known as Flamingo and opened another channel which currently (as of the mid 2024) has over 12 million fans. He is a great fun to watch while playing because he has plenty of phrases and words which he always uses while playing. Flamingo is also a creator of a number of memes. He dated a few of his fellow-gamers like Lana from LanasStuff or Kirsten aka FoxKirsten.
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