How old is FGTeeV Shawn?
FGTeeV Shawn was born on 17 November 2015.
FGTeeV Shawn is 9 years old.
How old is FGTeeV Shawn in days now?
FGTeeV Shawn is 9 years 4 months 14 days old.
Total 3,422 days old now.
When is the next birthday of FGTeeV Shawn?
FGTeeV Shawn's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of FGTeeV Shawn?
Zodiac sign of FGTeeV Shawn is Scorpio.
FGTeeV Shawn is a young YouTube star and a child of a star family known as the Skylanders. Born in 2015 in the US, to Vincent Ryan (aka FGTeeV Duddy) and Samantha Ryan (aka GFTeeV Mum), Shawn is growing up alongside his three siblings who are all very popular content creators. His elder sister Alexis Ryan (aka the Skylander Girl) is among the most successful family members and has the most followed personal YouTube channel. Shawn's elder brother Mike (aka FGTeev Mike or the Skylander Boy) has been gaining popularity recently. There is one more elder brother named Chase Ryan. For many years the family has been running their joint YouTube channel FGTeeV with the number of followers close to 24 million people (as of the late 2024). FGTeeV Shawn appears in many videos, and he has been popular on YouTube since his very early days, as his mum used to create and share plenty videos with him when he was a baby.
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