How old is Federico Vigevani?
Federico Vigevani was born on 1 October 1994.
Federico Vigevani is 30 years old.
How old is Federico Vigevani in days now?
Federico Vigevani is 30 years 5 months 6 days old.
Total 11,115 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Federico Vigevani?
Federico Vigevani's next birthday is in 6 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Federico Vigevani?
Zodiac sign of Federico Vigevani is Libra.
A social media star and influencer from Uruguay, Federico Vigevani was born in 1994 and was raised alongside his two siblings, an elder sister Augustina and a younger brother Fabri. He met his good friend Mathi Sellanes, one more YouTube superstar from Uruguay, in the early 2010s, and together they decided to open their joint channel and call it Mosogas. It became active in summer 2014, and for 4 years they were doing their best to promote the channel and provide their viewers with the best quality comedy and entertaining stuff including pranks, funny challenges, some skits and jokes, etc. As of the early 2018 there were over 5 million followers of the channel, but then Federico decided to leave and set off for his own journey in the world of social media. His Instagram channel has already been popular at the moment, and currently, as of the late 2024, it is followed by over 10 million people. But his personal YouTube channel is way more successful and promoted among the platform users, and now it has almost 60 million subscribers. For his outstanding talent and hard work, Federico Vogevani has won a number of awards and recognition marks including an Eliot Award and others.
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