How old is FaZe Banks?

FaZe Banks was born on 18 October 1991.
FaZe Banks is 33 years old.

How old is FaZe Banks in days now?

FaZe Banks is 33 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 12,212 days old now.

When is the next birthday of FaZe Banks?

FaZe Banks's next birthday is in 6 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of FaZe Banks?

Zodiac sign of FaZe Banks is Libra.

Ricky Banks is a very popular and experienced YouTuber and gamer famous with his love to Call of Duty game. He was born in 1991 in Massachusetts but spent a great portion of his life in Miami, Florida, where he has been developing in a certain environment of gamers and social media oriented life fans. He opened his first YouTube account when he was 20 years old, and his first nickname was BanksHasBank. This channel became quite popular but later on, Banks changed his nickname for FaZe Banks, and he has been using it for years. With this name, he is famous as one of the members of Call of Duty gaming group FaZe Clan. Ricky is quite an experienced and rich media celebrity, with a great number of followers on his YouTube and Instagram accounts. His videos are quite frank and intriguing, and once he posted a video of crashing his own car. He used to date Alissa Violet, one more extremely popular and successful Instagram and social media personality. Together, they created their own media group named Balissa. Lately, Ricky has been trying himself in musical field and started writing and recording his own compositions, as well as looking for some talented musicians to produce. As of the late 2024, there are about 5 million followers on his YouTube channel, and there are about 2.8 million subscribers to his Instagram account.

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