How old is Evangeline Lomelino?
Evangeline Lomelino was born on 18 April 2008.
Evangeline Lomelino is 16 years old.
How old is Evangeline Lomelino in days now?
Evangeline Lomelino is 16 years 10 months 17 days old.
Total 6,167 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Evangeline Lomelino?
Evangeline Lomelino's next birthday is in 1 month 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Evangeline Lomelino?
Zodiac sign of Evangeline Lomelino is Aries.
Evangeline Lomelino is a lovely YouTube star and the youngest of the Lomelino sisters who have been running their famous channel titled GEM Sisters. Born in 2008 in the United States, she grew up alongside her parents and five siblings including her sisters Giselle Lomelino and Mercedes Lomelino. Together with them, Evangeline launched the channel in 2015, when she was only 7 years old. In the early times, the channel was used as their vlog and it was possible to find plenty of videos related to their daily life. But later on the sisters became more experienced in their video making activities and got focused on more entertaining content like lip-syncing, parodies, challenges, DIY, skits, and such. As of the early 2024, there are over 1.2 million people following it. Evangeline Lomelino also has her own personal channel which whe launched in 2021 and has been promoting sine then.
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