How old is Eric Dane?

Eric Dane was born on 9 November 1972.
Eric Dane is 52 years old.

How old is Eric Dane in days now?

Eric Dane is 52 years 4 months old.
Total 19,113 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Eric Dane?

Eric Dane's next birthday is in 8 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Eric Dane?

Zodiac sign of Eric Dane is Scorpio.

Eric Dane is a talented American TV actor who has taken part in a large number of shows and series like The Grey's Academy and many others. Born in 1972 in California and was brought up mainly by his mum in strict Jewish traditions, alongside his younger brother. He used to join the performances of his school theater and developed his love to acting when he was a teenager. In the early 1990s Eric moved to LA where he began taking part in various television projects. Once he managed to get a small role in a cult series Married... With Children, and a bit later he obtained recurring roles in such series as Gideon's Crossing and Charmed, as well as delivered a great performance in a TV film Helter Skelter.Starting from 2006, he was taking part in producing a cult TV show The Grey's Academy where he brilliantly portrayed Dr. Mark Sloan "McSteamy". In the mid 2010s Dane played the main role in a TV series The Last Ship, and also was one of the cast for a famous TV show Euphoria. His most notable roles in TV film industry include the ones in such movies as X-Men: The Last Stand, Marley and Me, Valentine's Day, Redeeming Love, Little Dixie, and others. Eric Dane is married to an actress Rebecca Gayheart and the couple has two daughters.

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