How old is Emo_materialgurl?
Emo_materialgurl was born on 3 September 2006.
Emo_materialgurl is 18 years old.
How old is Emo_materialgurl in days now?
Emo_materialgurl is 18 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 6,782 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Emo_materialgurl?
Emo_materialgurl's next birthday is in 5 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Emo_materialgurl?
Zodiac sign of Emo_materialgurl is Virgo.
An extremely talented and creative short video maker, Emo_materialgurl has been present on TikTok for a few years and has found her spot among the successful social media influencers as an effective image changer and face make up design creator. She was born in 2006 in California and grew up there. Her real name is Bernadette. She was only 16 when she debuted on TikTok and for some first months of her presence on the platform she tried to offer her viewers rather traditional entertaining videos including lip syncing and experiments with music. She would also show some artistic designs and illustrations that she makes. Finally, she figured out that her appearance is the key to an even greater success so she got focused on presenting her designs basically on her face which turned into her make up ideas. There are plenty of photos and videos which have attracted over 3 million views in total. And as of September 2024, there are 1.6 million subscribers following the channel of Emo_materialgurl.
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