How old is Emily Dobson?
Emily Dobson was born on 3 April 2008.
Emily Dobson is 16 years old.
How old is Emily Dobson in days now?
Emily Dobson is 16 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 6,185 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Emily Dobson?
Emily Dobson's next birthday is in 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Emily Dobson?
Zodiac sign of Emily Dobson is Aries.
Emily Dobson is a young and lovely Internet celebrity and a rising star as a dancer and actress. Born in 2008 in the US, she spent her childhood in California, alongside her parents and numerous friends. Dancing has been her greatest passion since her early childhood and Emily received some great training in it. When she was 10 years old she started taking part in various national competitions, as well as promoting her personal talents and skills online, on various social media platforms. Emily is known as a frequent participant of the US National Dance Championship, as well as plenty of local dance events in California. She often takes part in various advertising campaigns and collaborates with such companies as Sony, some famous clothes producers, etc. As of the early 2024, there are about one million followers on Emily Dobson's YouTube channel, as well as about 4.5 million on her TikTok channel.
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