How old is Elizabeth LiSi?
Elizabeth LiSi was born on 17 August 1999.
Elizabeth LiSi is 25 years old.
How old is Elizabeth LiSi in days now?
Elizabeth LiSi is 25 years 7 months 12 days old.
Total 9,356 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Elizabeth LiSi?
Elizabeth LiSi's next birthday is in 4 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Elizabeth LiSi?
Zodiac sign of Elizabeth LiSi is Leo.
A former model and social media star, Elizabeth LiSi is an Instagram superstar famous for her amazing physical shape and talents as a gymnast. She was born in 1999 in Ukraine and since her childhood she has been receiving a good training as a gymnast as Ukrainian school of gymnastics is well known. Gymnastics, yoga, healthy lifestyle and active life have been her hobbies for many years. Liz launched her Instagram account in 2016 when she was studying fitness training and practicing many kinds of health care techniques. Later on she got active on YouTube, and the content she shared was generally centered on fashion and her modeling career. Then, since 2022 she has been focused on the ongoing war that Russia initiated against her home country. Elizabeth LiSi has accumulated about a half of a million fans on her Instagram account.
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