How old is Eli Bailar?
Eli Bailar was born on 24 October 2002.
Eli Bailar is 22 years old.
How old is Eli Bailar in days now?
Eli Bailar is 22 years 4 months 11 days old.
Total 8,170 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Eli Bailar?
Eli Bailar's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eli Bailar?
Zodiac sign of Eli Bailar is Scorpio.
Eli Bailar is a TikToker from Germany who has achieved some great success and recognition as a talented content creator. He came to this world in 2002 and since the very early days he has had a true passion for choreography. In his childhood he would spent a lot of time and effort to master some basics of various dancing styles. When he decided to launch his personal TikTok channel in the mid of 2010s, the main idea was to share various ideas related to new dance steps and moves. Eli became popular immediately and managed to built a large fanbase, with the current number of the subscribers exceeding 2.2 million people (as of December 2024). In his videos, he demonstrates his skills on a metro train, in his room, in the streets, as a part of a TV show, solo or together with his friends, and so on. He has collaborated with a number of companies like Nike and has taken part in various commercial and promotional projects, and also has his personal clothing line. TikTokers like Eli Bailar are the future of the platform and is among the most growing users of today's TikTok.
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