How old is EDP445?

EDP445 was born on 15 December 1990.
EDP445 is 33 years old.

How old is EDP445 in days now?

EDP445 is 33 years 11 months 7 days old.
Total 12,396 days old now.

When is the next birthday of EDP445?

EDP445's next birthday is in 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of EDP445?

Zodiac sign of EDP445 is Sagittarius.

EDP445 is a YouTuber known for plenty of great and extremely varied content that he has been posting on his channel. Born Bryan Truman Emerson Moreland in 1990 in California, he spent his childhood in Los Angeles, alongside his family and friends. He has a very strong passion since his childhood which is baseball, and he has been a huge fan of the Philadelphia Eagles since he was a child. Before launching his YouTube channel he used to enjoy the games, as well as earn his living as a Wal Mart employee. In the mid-2010s, together with his good friend, Bryan decided to open his own YouTube channel to use it as a vlog and share his life with his fans. By the end of the decade, he has managed to earn his first million followers and decided to try to suit the needs of a wide audience as possible. Thus, the topic of his videos varies from sports and computer games to cooking and DIY. As of the mid 2023, the number of followers of Bryan's YouTube channel EDP445 is close to 2 million people. It is also possible to follow him on Instagram, Reddit, and other platforms.

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