How old is Edot Baby?
Edot Baby was born on 7 February 2005. Edot Baby died on 4 November 2022 at the age of 17 years.
What was the exact age of Edot Baby?
Edot Baby's exact age was 17 years 8 months 28 days old. Edot Baby lived for total 6,479 days.
What would be the age of Edot Baby if alive?
Edot Baby's exact age would be 20 years 1 month 23 days old if alive. Total 7,356 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Edot Baby?
Zodiac sign of Edot Baby is Aquarius.
Edot Baby was a hip hop star who despite his quite short life managed to record a number of songs and find his distinctive style known as drill music. He was born in 2005 in New York City and lived his whole life there, in Harlem, in the area known as the Sugar Hill. No much is known about his family and his childhood as Edot didn't publish much about himself. He started free styling in the late 2010s when he was a young teenager, and after the attempts to figure his personal style he got focused on drill music which is considered to be a branch of the trap music. In the early 2020s Edot decided to actively promote his songs on various social media platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and Instagram (aka Problem Child). In 2022 he released his first album which was accepted greatly in hip hop circles especially in his home city. Bud so sadly, in November 2022, Edot Baby passed away in one of the hospitals of New York, at the age of just 17....