How old is Duncan Joseph?

Duncan Joseph was born on 7 November 2002.
Duncan Joseph is 22 years old.

How old is Duncan Joseph in days now?

Duncan Joseph is 22 years 4 months 5 days old.
Total 8,161 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Duncan Joseph?

Duncan Joseph's next birthday is in 7 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Duncan Joseph?

Zodiac sign of Duncan Joseph is Scorpio.

Duncan Joseph is a handsome TikToker whose content is truly loved by his numerous fans. He was born in 2002 in Seattle and as a child had a lot of health problems, starting from asthma and ending up with various allergies. He was raised by his parents alongside his sister and brother who are now involved in some interesting activities like horse-riding and producing some music. When he was a high school student, Duncan himself loved taking part in the performances of his school theater and traveling. He became active on social media platforms in the early 2010s and his very first videos of his turned out to be really funny and popular like, for example, the one where he was trying to eat a snake. Later on he found a trick that helped him to attract a lot of public attention and a lot of new followers. He is good at pretending to be a middle aged woman woman trying to show off her Internet using skills. Duncan Joseph is a huge fan of The Sims and some part of his content is focused on it. As of December 2024, there are about 5 million people following his channel, and there are also about a half of a million people following his personal Instagram page.

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