How old is DThang Gz?

DThang Gz was born on 19 September 2000.
DThang Gz is 24 years old.

How old is DThang Gz in days now?

DThang Gz is 24 years 6 months 12 days old.
Total 8,959 days old now.

When is the next birthday of DThang Gz?

DThang Gz's next birthday is in 5 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of DThang Gz?

Zodiac sign of DThang Gz is Virgo.

A cool hip hop singer DThang Gz is known as one of the founders of a rap gang called Bronx Drill. Born Daniel Collins in 2000 in NYC, he spent his early years in Bronx and made his first steps in music there. He made his first recordings in the late 2010s and tried to promote his first songs online, on such platforms as YouTube and SoundCloud. One of his first most successful and viewed videos titled Caution was watched by almost two million people. His other single named Talk Facts was recorded together with other hip hop stars like Bando and TDot. Just like many other young hip hop singers, DThang Gz often has problems with the law. He is popular social media personality and, as of the mid 2024, there are about a quarter of a million fans on his Instagram account and about one hundred thousand subscriber to his YouTube channel.

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