How old is dndmolly?

dndmolly was born on 20 November 2007.
dndmolly is 17 years old.

How old is dndmolly in days now?

dndmolly is 17 years 4 months 9 days old.
Total 6,339 days old now.

When is the next birthday of dndmolly?

dndmolly's next birthday is in 7 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of dndmolly?

Zodiac sign of dndmolly is Scorpio.

A cool gamer from China, dndmolly is a fan of such games as Murder Mystery and other Roblox games. She was born in 2007 in Hong Kong but spent most of her life in the UK since her mum is Chinese and her dad is British. She started playing Roblox when she was just a child, and eventually began to think about making her special content based on this game. In order to share it with many other gamers, Molly opened her personal YouTube channel in the early 2024, and one year later she has managed to attract about a quarter of a million fans. The content mainly include shorts, skits, and plenty of tips on how to develop own strategies on playing these games. A few videos of dndmolly have gone viral and attracted about 1 million views each. She has got a lot of fans and they are waiting so much to see her real face which has never been revealed yet.

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