How old is Devenity Perkins?
Devenity Perkins was born on 13 August 2003.
Devenity Perkins is 21 years old.
How old is Devenity Perkins in days now?
Devenity Perkins is 21 years 7 months 1 day old.
Total 7,884 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Devenity Perkins?
Devenity Perkins's next birthday is in 4 months 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Devenity Perkins?
Zodiac sign of Devenity Perkins is Leo.
Devenity Perkins is an American actress and a social media person known for being a part of the project Perkins Sisters where she took part together with her sister Daniella Perkins. Devenity was born in California in 2003 and grew up there alongside her parents and sister Daniella, who is 3 years older than Devenity. Both of the girls have been avid social networking users and became famous for their fascinating content that can be found in their YouTube channels. In 2014, Devenity debuted on-screen in a small comedy movie named Senior Slasher. In 2017 she starred in one more movie, Gina's Journey, and shortly after that, she took part in her most successful project so far, a movie named Total Eclipse, alongside Mackenzie Ziegler, Lauren Orlando, and other famous teenagers. Devenity Perkins was in a relationship with a rapper Suigeneris.