How old is Destroy Lonely?
Destroy Lonely was born on 30 July 2001.
Destroy Lonely is 23 years old.
How old is Destroy Lonely in days now?
Destroy Lonely is 23 years 8 months old.
Total 8,644 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Destroy Lonely?
Destroy Lonely's next birthday is in 4 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Destroy Lonely?
Zodiac sign of Destroy Lonely is Leo.
Destroy Lonely, or Bobby Wardell Sandymine, is a rapper and rising star who has been recording his songs for a few years and trying to promote them on SoundCloud and other related platforms. He was born in 2001 in Atlanta and his father was a known rapper I20 who has been an inspiration for Bobby for all of his life. Most of his childhood Bobby was home schooled and spent his time in solitude that's where his nicknamed takes the source from. He started making his amateur recordings when he turned 14 and shortly after collaborated with two local rappers with whom he recorded their first professional soundtrack called "Bane". His singles "Oh Yeah" and "ᐸ/3" published in the early 2020s attracted a lot of public attention and helped his to sign up with a recording label Opium. In 2023 Destroy Lonely released his first studio album titled "It Looks Could Kill" which was received really warmly and reached No 4 in hip hop charts in the US. His personal musical style and humorous lyrics were mentioned by a cult musical magazine Rolling Stone.