How old is Demi Lovato?

Demi Lovato was born on 20 August 1992.
Demi Lovato is 32 years old.

How old is Demi Lovato in days now?

Demi Lovato is 32 years 7 months 10 days old.
Total 11,910 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Demi Lovato?

Demi Lovato's next birthday is in 4 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Demi Lovato?

Zodiac sign of Demi Lovato is Leo.

Demetria Devonne Lovato is an American singer and actress, born in 1992 in New Mexico. She started receiving her first roles in the TV projects since her early childhood when she appeared in Barney and Friends. She also played some minor roles in TV series like Prison Break, Just Jordan, Camp Rock, and others. She also started writing songs and creating music for animated TV series at Disney Channel. She has 5 studio albums recorded and she even joined The X-factor as a judge for its second season. She gladly gives her voice to minor cartoon characters. Demi Lovato is very active on various social media platforms, with the number of followers on her YouTube channel close to 18 million people (as of August 2024). She is also the owner of one of the most followed Instagram account, with the number of the subscribers exceeding 155 million people. In summer 2021 she released her new studio album titled Dancing With The Devil. In 2022 she started dating a singer Jutes.

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