How old is David Harbour?

David Harbour was born on 10 April 1975.
David Harbour is 49 years old.

How old is David Harbour in days now?

David Harbour is 49 years 10 months 21 days old.
Total 18,225 days old now.

When is the next birthday of David Harbour?

David Harbour's next birthday is in 1 month 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of David Harbour?

Zodiac sign of David Harbour is Aries.

David Harbour is a charismatic actor who is known for his great performance in a cult Netflix TV series Stranger Things. Born in 1975 in New York, he grew up in White Plains, he finished Dartmouth college and started acting in the late 1990s by appearing in a few episodes of a cult TV series Law&Order. In the mid 2000s Harbour appeared in such movies as Brokeback Mountain (with Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal), War of the Worlds, Awake (with Jessica Alba), and a few others. During the 2010s David contributed in shooting such TV series as Pan Am, The Newsroom, Blue, State of Affairs, Rake, Manhattan, and finally Stranger Things which made him famous as a creator of an iconic and charismatic image of an American policeman. After this great performance David Harbour became a real star and took part in a few popular TV shows like Saturday Night Live, etc. Other movies in which he can be seen include Black Widow (with Scarlett Johansson), Hellboy (with Milla Jovovich), Suicide Squad, The Equalizer, Black Mass, and others.

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