How old is DaniLeigh?
DaniLeigh was born on 20 December 1994.
DaniLeigh is 30 years old.
How old is DaniLeigh in days now?
DaniLeigh is 30 years 3 months 11 days old.
Total 11,059 days old now.
When is the next birthday of DaniLeigh?
DaniLeigh's next birthday is in 8 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of DaniLeigh?
Zodiac sign of DaniLeigh is Sagittarius.
DaniLeigh is a rapper and a songwriter who has a background as a dancer. Born Danielle Leigh Curiel in 1994 in Flroida, she spent her early years in Miami, alongside her family of Dominican origins. He musical talents started revealing themselves when Dani was a child and she used to listen to such singers as Drake or Rihanna for hours. When she was 12, she started taking dancing classes, and when she was 14 she started to sing professionally on some local stages. In the early 2010s she moved to LA together with her sister where they formed a duo named Curly Fryz. They managed to attract attention and Dani was lucky to obtain some job as a backsinger and a back dancer. In 2015 she released her first serious solo single "D.O.S.E." and in 2017 she released her first studio album titled Summer With Friends. Her music is an interesting mixture of hip hop, R&B and Latino music. In 2021 she became a mom to a lovely little girl. As of the late 2024 DaniLeigh has released 5 studio albums and keeps on recording new hits, with a song titled "Yellow Bone" being the last of those.