How old is Danielle Cohn?

Danielle Cohn was born on 7 March 2004.
Danielle Cohn is 21 years old.

How old is Danielle Cohn in days now?

Danielle Cohn is 21 years 21 days old.
Total 7,691 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Danielle Cohn?

Danielle Cohn's next birthday is in 11 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Danielle Cohn?

Zodiac sign of Danielle Cohn is Pisces.

Danielle Cohn is a singer, a model, a recording artist, a popular Instagram and TikTok star. Born in 2004 in Florida, she started using social media platforms like, YouTube and others as an effective tool for demonstrating her talents and pursuing a social media star career. She has an elder brother who is helping Danielle in most of her social activities and events. She launched her TikTok account in 2015 and as of the early 2025, she has got over 19 million followers. In 2017 Cohn began focusing on singing and released two singles, "Hate On The Summer" and "Marylin Monroe". She is an enthusiastic social activist, taking part in numerous projects like hosting the POMS Tour, etc. She is a good friend of another social media star, Sebastian Topete, and they plan to start a number of new interesting social media projects together.

In the mid 2019 there were rumors that Danielle and her boyfriend Mickey Tua, who are both teenagers, were expecting a baby. The rumors were based on the photos posted by Tua on his Instagram where he was kissing Cohn's supposed "baby bump". There were also videos showing the couple getting married and preparing for becoming parents, but the question was if those could be taken seriously. Both Danielle and Mickey said that everything had been a huge prank)) Currently Danielle Cohn is among the most popular TikTokers, a strong and talented personality, and one of the most popular social media influencers.

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