How old is Dan Schneider?

Dan Schneider was born on 14 January 1966.
Dan Schneider is 59 years old.

How old is Dan Schneider in days now?

Dan Schneider is 59 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 21,621 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Dan Schneider?

Dan Schneider's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Dan Schneider?

Zodiac sign of Dan Schneider is Capricorn.

Dan Schneider is an actor and a TV producer known primarily as a producer of a cult TV series iCarly. He was born in 1966 in Tennessee and spent his childhood in Memphis, alongside his family. He started his career as an actor in the mid 1980s by appearing both on TV and in the movies like Better Off Dead, Hot Resort, and others. In the early 1990s Dan starred in such TV series as Head of the Class and All That, as well as appeared in some other TV series by Nickelodeon as a co-creator and co-producer. He was involved in producing such projects as Drake&Josh, Sam&Cat, Victorious, Game Shakers, Henry Danger, and iCarly, mainly by Nickelodeon. Schneider ended his business ties with Nickelodeon in the late 2010s and in the early 2020s he wrote the screenplay for a cult movie Big Fat Liar. Dan Schneider is married and has been fighting with his problem of obesity for many years. 

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