How old is D’Aydrian Harding?
D’Aydrian Harding was born on 3 August 2001.
D’Aydrian Harding is 23 years old.
How old is D’Aydrian Harding in days now?
D’Aydrian Harding is 23 years 7 months 27 days old.
Total 8,640 days old now.
When is the next birthday of D’Aydrian Harding?
D’Aydrian Harding's next birthday is in 4 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of D’Aydrian Harding?
Zodiac sign of D’Aydrian Harding is Leo.
An extremely charismatic and cool TikTok star, D'Aydrian Harding is among those social media sensations who chose to rise using the most popular comedy related content as the way to attract users from all around the world. Born in Kansas in 2001, he was raised by his parents in the city of Wichita. Trying to be a cool young man, he decided to initiate his presence in the most popular social media networking circles by opening his YouTube channel followed by launching his TikTok channel as well. He intended to film and share his free stye compositions, as well as some cool videos about his daily life. Both kinds of the content were accepted greatly by the viewers, and in the early 2021, the number of the followers started growing really fast. 2021 became the year of the most successful collaborations with many other YouTube and TikTok stars like Justin McNease and others. As of the mid 2024, the number of the followers of D'Aydrian Harding is about 2.1 million subscribers to his channels.