How old is Cris MJ?

Cris MJ was born on 16 October 2001.
Cris MJ is 23 years old.

How old is Cris MJ in days now?

Cris MJ is 23 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 8,563 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cris MJ?

Cris MJ's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cris MJ?

Zodiac sign of Cris MJ is Libra.

A cool regaeton singer and social media influencer from Chile, Chris MJ is loved by his fans for his incredible charisma and interesting specific musical style. He started his journey in this world in 2001 as Christopher Andres Alvarez Garcia in Le Serena and spent his early years alongside his family. His dad was an amateur musician and played in a band thus he became an inspiration to Chris. In the late 2010s he decided to start his own musical career and went online to share his first songs. His first composition titled "Codeina Pelco C" came out in 2019. Two years later one more powerful hit titled "Los Malvekes" was released and it made Chris MJ known in the circled of regaeton fans. In 2022 he released some more powerful songs including "Una Noche in Medellin" (has got over 180 million views on YouTube), "Marisola", and others some of which were recorded in collaboration with other singers. In 2024 Chris MJ released another batch of great songs like "Gata Only", "Si No Es Contigo", etc. The singer can be followed on Instagram where about 4.5 million people are currently following him (as of the late 2024), as well as on YouTube.

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