How old is Cooper Noriega?
Cooper Noriega was born on 28 June 2002. Cooper Noriega died on 9 June 2022 at the age of 19 years.
What was the exact age of Cooper Noriega?
Cooper Noriega's exact age was 19 years 11 months 12 days old. Cooper Noriega lived for total 7,286 days.
What would be the age of Cooper Noriega if alive?
Cooper Noriega's exact age would be 22 years 9 months 3 days old if alive. Total 8,312 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Cooper Noriega?
Zodiac sign of Cooper Noriega is Cancer.
Cooper Noriega was a cool and handsome TikToker who became famous for hilarious and amazing stuff that he was publishing on his channel for a few years. Born in 2002 in the US, he grew up alongside his family and spent some part of his childhood in California. Just like many of his peers, he spent his early childhood years being outside, playing soccer, or swimming. In his early teen ages Cooper got interested in music and started learning to play the guitar which was followed by him writing and recording some songs of his own. In the late 2010s he opened his first Instargam account and then he launched his TikTok channel which became a popular place to find and watch some great lip-syncing videos or some modeling related clips. Cooper Noriega was among the fastest growing TikTokers of the early 2020s, and as of the early 2022 there were over 1.8 million followers on his channel. So sadly, in June 2022 he was found dead in the parking spot. He passed away just three weeks before his 20th Birthday, at the age of 19 leaving his family, his girlfriend and fans completely devastated...
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