How old is Cooper Neidecker?

Cooper Neidecker was born on 31 July 1999.
Cooper Neidecker is 25 years old.

How old is Cooper Neidecker in days now?

Cooper Neidecker is 25 years 7 months 25 days old.
Total 9,372 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cooper Neidecker?

Cooper Neidecker's next birthday is in 4 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cooper Neidecker?

Zodiac sign of Cooper Neidecker is Leo.

Cooper Neidecker is a TikToker known as an expert of making rant videos which means recording verbal messages showing a bit of aggression, anger, etc. He was born in Kansas in 1999 and joined the social media community in his late teen ages. His first content was rather focused on reviewing and commenting on various movies and cinema related events. However, later on Cooper expanded the scope of his topics on other popular and entertaining ideas like lip syncing, musical parodies, and others. Of course, it immediately helped him to attract new followers and gain more confidence in his great content making skills. His most viewed videos are the parodies on such cinema superstars as Harry Styles or Timothee Chalamet. As of the summer of 2024, the number of the subscribers on the channel is exceeding 1.5 million people. Cooper Neidecker has been dating another TikTok star Sophia Diamond, and in the early 2024 the couple announced their engagement.

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