How old is CookieSwirlC?
CookieSwirlC was born on 14 March 1997.
CookieSwirlC is 28 years old.
How old is CookieSwirlC in days now?
CookieSwirlC is 28 years 17 days old.
Total 10,244 days old now.
When is the next birthday of CookieSwirlC?
CookieSwirlC's next birthday is in 11 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of CookieSwirlC?
Zodiac sign of CookieSwirlC is Pisces.
CookieSwirlC is a famous YouTuber and the owner of the same name YouTube account which currently has a large number of the followers. Born Candace in 1997 in California, she grew up loving various outdoor activities as well as social networking. She calls herself Candy or Cookie, and she opened her first YouTube channel in the early 2010s. She started with creating and sharing videos inspired by her toys as well as her favorite cartoon characters. As of the early 2025, her channel is followed by over 21 million subscribers and she is famous for her nice and fascinating family-friendly videos based on characters like My Little Pony, Barbie, and Dan, various princesses, and sweet monsters, etc. For a long time she has been among the 5 per cent of the most preferred family content makes on the platform. CookieSwirlC is a really popular channel watched by plenty of viewers on a daily basis. Candace is also a successful businesswoman who has her clothes line for children and teenagers.
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