How old is Coi Leray?

Coi Leray was born on 11 May 1997.
Coi Leray is 27 years old.

How old is Coi Leray in days now?

Coi Leray is 27 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 10,184 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Coi Leray?

Coi Leray's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Coi Leray?

Zodiac sign of Coi Leray is Taurus.

Coi Leray is a young rapper and social media star known for some of her cool hits that she has been promoting online and on stage. Born in 1997 in Boston, to the family of a famous local rapper Benzino, Coi spent her childhood in Massachusetts. She has been a huge fan of hip hop music since her early years and when she was 16 she dropped out of school to continue free-styling and promoting her compositions. He first hits like "Pac Girl" and "G.A.N." came out in 2017 and received millions of views on YouTube. Coi is a very active public person, she is involved in many musical collaborations and takes part in a large number of tours, as well as appears on local TV channels in various kinds of programs. She releases plenty of new songs every year which are all unique and stylish. He song "King Kong" featuring Young Thug is considered one of the most successful collaborations of Coi Leray. As of the early 2024, there are over 6.9 million followers on her Instagram account.

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