How old is Clare Siobhán?

Clare Siobhán was born on 6 August 1989.
Clare Siobhán is 35 years old.

How old is Clare Siobhán in days now?

Clare Siobhán is 35 years 7 months 25 days old.
Total 13,021 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Clare Siobhán?

Clare Siobhán's next birthday is in 4 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Clare Siobhán?

Zodiac sign of Clare Siobhán is Leo.

Clare Siobhán is a YouTuber and a social media star known for her cool content, often related to gaming and other online activities She was born in 1989 in England and grew up in Leeds, alongside her parents and her brother Dane. In her childhood Clare was a great fan of video games and used to spent hours playing such games as Xbox. She opened her Instagram account in the mid 2010s and began using it as a vlog and the place where she shared her personal photos. At about the same time she started dating Alastair Aiken who became her fiance later in the decade. They often take part in making each other's videos and collaborate in creating content for their channels. As of the mid 2024, there are over 1.9 million people follow the channel of Clare Siobhán. The current number of her Instagram account subscriber is close to one third of a million people.

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