How old is Clara Dao?

Clara Dao was born on 29 August 1998.
Clara Dao is 26 years old.

How old is Clara Dao in days now?

Clara Dao is 26 years 7 months old.
Total 9,709 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Clara Dao?

Clara Dao's next birthday is in 5 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Clara Dao?

Zodiac sign of Clara Dao is Virgo.

Clara Dao is a TikToker of Vietnamese origins whose content is centered around body positive and other kind of self care topics. She was born in 1998 in Vietnam and spent her early childhood in Hanoi, alongside her family. She attended an elite school in Hanoi but when she was 17 years old she moved to Canada in order to study at college and continue her life there. After her graduation from Columbia International College, she made up her mind to stay in Canada and continue trying herself as a social media star. In her early content on YouTube she would rather be focused on music, lip syncing, some fashion and personal style tips, but later on she decided to promote healthy lifestyle and active time spending, as well as positive thinking and being optimistic. She continued following these topics when she got active on TikTok in the early 2020. As of September 2024, there are over 4 million people subscribers to her TikTok channel, and the total number of views there is exceeding 3 billion ones. Clara Dao sometimes engages her boyfriend Javi in making her videos.

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