How old is Christina Ricci?

Christina Ricci was born on 12 February 1980.
Christina Ricci is 45 years old.

How old is Christina Ricci in days now?

Christina Ricci is 45 years 1 month 16 days old.
Total 16,481 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Christina Ricci?

Christina Ricci's next birthday is in 10 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Christina Ricci?

Zodiac sign of Christina Ricci is Aquarius.

Christina Ricci is a talented American actress and a winner of a few prestigious cinema awards. She was born in 1980 in California, she grew up alongside her parents and her three elder siblings. She started her professional career as a child actor at the age of 10 by taking part in filming a children's movie Mermaid which was followed by her breakthrough performance in a cult movie series about the Addams Family. Later in the decade she joined the cast of such movies as Now And Then, Casper, The Last of the High Kings, The Ice Storm, Pecker, Sleepy Hollow, and others. During the 2000s Picci appeared in a bunch of successful projects like Monster, Penelope, Speed Racer, and others. As a TV actress, she is known for her roles in Ally McBeal, Saving Grace, Pan Am, The Lizzy Borden Chronicles, The Beginning Of Everything, Yellowjackets, and others. Recently, Christina Ricci has played in The Matrix Resurrection and Monstrous. She was married to James Heerdegen and has a son with him but the couple is not together anymore. In the early 2020s she gave birth to a baby girl Cleopatra with her boyfriend Mark Hampton, a hairstylist.

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