How old is Chloe Lukasiak?
Chloe Lukasiak was born on 25 May 2001.
Chloe Lukasiak is 23 years old.
How old is Chloe Lukasiak in days now?
Chloe Lukasiak is 23 years 10 months 6 days old.
Total 8,711 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chloe Lukasiak?
Chloe Lukasiak's next birthday is in 1 month 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chloe Lukasiak?
Zodiac sign of Chloe Lukasiak is Gemini.
Chloe Lukasiak has become famous as a part of Dance Moms dancing show, she is a young dancer, model, designer, and a popular Internet celebrity. Chloe was born and lives in Pennsylvania. She started taking dancing classes since her very early ages and initially was mostly focused on learning classical dances and ballet. Later, she began learning all kinds and styles, and when she was 10 years old, Chloe joined the show Dance Moms, together with her mother Christi. They remained in the series for 3 seasons, and after that Chloe continued her career as a part of Studio 19 team, as well as an avid YouTuber. As of the mid 2024, her self-titled channel has over 2.4 million subscribers, and her videos are watched by fans of dancing arts from around the world. Chloe appeared in a number of videos of young singers like Ted Danson, Bianca Ryan etc., and she supported Kalani Hilliker during a long tour. Chloe Lukasiak collaborated with a number of design companies, both as a young designer and promoter (she has a few designer lines with Dazzine). Chloe dated a singer Ricky Garcia, but their relationship stopped a few years ago.