How old is Chillz?
Chillz was born on 17 July 2007.
Chillz is 17 years old.
How old is Chillz in days now?
Chillz is 17 years 8 months 14 days old.
Total 6,467 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chillz?
Chillz's next birthday is in 3 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chillz?
Zodiac sign of Chillz is Cancer.
An experienced gamer and YouTube star, Chillz is known as one of the most successful and promoted Roblox gamer whose YouTube channel currently has about 1.2 million fans on his main channel (as of July 2024), as well as many fans following his other channels and accounts. He was born in 2007 in New Zealand, he spent some of his early years in Auckland, but later on his family moved to the US. There he made some first steps in the world of gaming, and also found plenty of mates who also love Roblox. He started being active on social media platforms in the early 2020s and immediately found a place among numerous creative and talented gamers. The content that Chillz has been sharing turned out to be really attractive and interesting, so the number of fans has been growing really fast. It is also possible to buy some merchandise and commercial products related to his channel. Of course, he usually engages his friends as well as his two siblings to his video making. Currently, Chillz is dating Llxllie, another successful gamer and YouTuber.
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