How old is Charlie Puth?

Charlie Puth was born on 2 December 1991.
Charlie Puth is 33 years old.

How old is Charlie Puth in days now?

Charlie Puth is 33 years 3 months 27 days old.
Total 12,171 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Charlie Puth?

Charlie Puth's next birthday is in 8 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Charlie Puth?

Zodiac sign of Charlie Puth is Sagittarius.

An American pop singer and songwriter, Charles Otto Puth became popular with his YouTube videos and covers of various famous songs. Puth was born in1991 in New Jersey, and his mum was a music teacher, that is why Charlie and his younger siblings were exposed to music since their early ages. The boy was interested in all kinds of music, starting from classical and ending up with jazz. When he was 18 years old, Charlie opened his YouTube channel named Charlies Vlog, which became very popular just a few years later. In 2011, he signed up with Ellen DeGeneres's recording company eleveneleven, which helped him release a few singles and opened the way to take part in popular TV shows. He released his first album in 2016 named Nine Track Mind, which brought Charlie Puth a lot of awards including Billboard Music Awards, Teen Choice Awards, etc. In spring 2018 his second album Voicenotes came out. In the late 2022, he collaborated with a few singers and released a few new singles like "Mother", "I Warned Myself", and others. In summer 2024 he got married to his love of the life Brooke Sansone.

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