How old is Charles Melton?
Charles Melton was born on 4 January 1991.
Charles Melton is 34 years old.
How old is Charles Melton in days now?
Charles Melton is 34 years 2 months 5 days old.
Total 12,483 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Charles Melton?
Charles Melton's next birthday is in 9 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Charles Melton?
Zodiac sign of Charles Melton is Capricorn.
Charles Melton is a model and an actor who rose to fame in the early 2010s by taking part in few TV series and a few TV projects. Born in 1991 in Alaska, he spent his childhood in Arkansas, alongside his parents, his sisters and friends. His father is of British origins and he worked for military organizations, and his mother is of Korean origins. When Charles was a child, the family used to change places a lot, so he used to communicate and get along with many new people. At school Charles loved playing football and after finishing school he went to Kansas State University but dropped out and decided to persuade career in acting or modeling. In 2012 he moved to LA and immediately managed to attract attention of some modeling agencies, so soon he began collaborating with such brands as Dolce&Gabbana, MAC, etc. At about the same time he appeared on TV in such series as Glee and American Horror Story. Later in the decade he was invited to join the cast of Riverdale where he first received a recurring, and later on one of the main roles. In cinema, he can be seen in such movies as The Sun Is Also A Star, Mainstream, Bad Boys For Life, Heart Of Champions, etc. In the late 2021, Charles Melton took part in making Riverdale TV series and in the mid 2022 he is dating his stage partner Camila Mendes. However, in the early 2023 the couple split up and Charles started dating Chloe Bennet, a TV actress, with whom he broke up later on as well.