How old is Celine Dion?
Celine Dion was born on 30 March 1968.
Celine Dion is 56 years old.
How old is Celine Dion in days now?
Celine Dion is 56 years 11 months 26 days old.
Total 20,817 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Celine Dion?
Celine Dion's next birthday is in 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Celine Dion?
Zodiac sign of Celine Dion is Aries.
Celine Dion is a famous Canadian singer who has recorded a large number of popular singles and albums. Born in 1968 in Quebec, she was the youngest of 14 children of her parents. She started demonstrating her amazing talent to singing in her childhood and began releasing her first studio albums in the early 1980s. Those were plenty of songs in French which received quite a good popularity in France. Celine started learning the English language and recorded her first English album in the early 1990s. This decade became the most successful in her career and was the time when she recorded many of her famous singles like "Because You Loved Me", "I Am Your Angel", "Think Twice", "The Power of Love", and others. Her song "My Heart Will Go On" was recorded for the movie Titanic filmed by James Cameron with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet starring. This single of Dion became one of the best selling songs of all times, with over 18 million copies sold. Her music is diverse and can be described as a mixture of many genres like R&B, pop, soft rock, gospel, and even classic. Celine Dion has won 5 Grammy awards and is known as one of the best selling singers of Canada. She was married to Rene Angelil who was 26 years older than her and was her long-time producer. They have 3 children, but in 2016 Angelil died of cancer.