How old is Casey Neistat?

Casey Neistat was born on 25 March 1981.
Casey Neistat is 43 years old.

How old is Casey Neistat in days now?

Casey Neistat is 43 years 11 months 16 days old.
Total 16,059 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Casey Neistat?

Casey Neistat's next birthday is in 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Casey Neistat?

Zodiac sign of Casey Neistat is Aries.

Casey Neistat is a YouTuber, vlogger, author, and businessperson. He was born in 1981 in Connecticut and grew up there alongside his younger brother. Since his childhood, Casey has been a mature and freedom-loving boy, so when he was 17 years old he dropped out of high school and left home to continue his life with his that time girlfriend who became the mother of his son. In the early 2000s, Casey and his brother started working on creating some short films and promoting those online on various platforms. In the middle of the decade the brothers started producing their first TV series related to science and just a bot later they established their movie producing company. During the 2010s the brothers focused on producing online TV series and working on promoting their YouTube channels using those as vlogs. Casey Neistat is the founder and owner of a few projects like 368, Beme, and others.

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