How old is Carlaylee HD?

Carlaylee HD was born on 13 October 2009.
Carlaylee HD is 15 years old.

How old is Carlaylee HD in days now?

Carlaylee HD is 15 years 5 months 15 days old.
Total 5,645 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Carlaylee HD?

Carlaylee HD's next birthday is in 6 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Carlaylee HD?

Zodiac sign of Carlaylee HD is Libra.

Carlaylee HD is a YouTube channel ran by a lovely teenage girl who is extremely smart, sweet, emotional, and creative. Born in 2009 in the US, she is growing up alongside her parents and sister. Her real name is Carlie. As a big fan of computer games and various kinds of entertaining activities, she was fascinated by social media and decided to launch her YouTube channel in 2016. Her parents gave her full support and expressed their desire to take part in making the content, so the journey of Carlie in the world of social networking sites started with a few personal videos introducing her and her family. Just a year later there would be many more videos on the channel in which Carlie would offer some great toy reviews, Roblox games playing strategies, some fashion and lifestyle tips for her peers, and such. In the early 2020s her channel became a place to find some content focused on many entertaining topics like DIY tips, challenges, lip syncing, skits, and such. She even made up her mind to open one more channel titled Carlaylee HD Gaming dedicated solely to gaming. There are currently, as of the late 2024, about 1.5 million people subscribed to Carlaylee HD, with the number growing quite rapidly lately.

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