How old is Camila Cabello?

Camila Cabello was born on 3 March 1997.
Camila Cabello is 28 years old.

How old is Camila Cabello in days now?

Camila Cabello is 28 years 9 days old.
Total 10,236 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Camila Cabello?

Camila Cabello's next birthday is in 11 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Camila Cabello?

Zodiac sign of Camila Cabello is Pisces.

Camila Cabello is a young talented singer and songwriter of American and Cuban origin who became famous as an X Factor participant and then a member of Fifth Harmony group. Her full name is Karla Camila Cabello Estrada, and she was born in 1997 in a small coastal town of Cojimar, Cuba, and her parents were of Cuban and Mexican origin. When Camila was 6 years old, she and her mom moved to Miami, and their father could join their family only 1.5 years later. Little girl managed to learn English really fast, and she started attending school in Miami as well. When she was 16 years old, she decided to try her chance to join The X Factor TV show, but she could not manage to win a place as a solo singer. Instead, she became a part of Fifth Harmony, an all-girl group, which became the 3rd in the competition. Right after that, the group signed the contract with recording labels Epic Records and Syco Music, and they recorded two studio albums. However, in 2016 it was announced that Camila had left the band in order to focus on her own solo career. In late 2016 she released her first solo single, "Bad Things”, which reached the charts of Billboard. Camila also cooperated with a Scandinavian DJ and together they released one more hit “Love Incredible”, which was quite successful. One more single of Camila titled “I Know What You Did Last Summer” managed to reach Top-20 of Billboard. Camila Cabello is very active, she truly enjoys touring and being close to her loving fans.

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