How old is Cameron Diaz?

Cameron Diaz was born on 30 August 1972.
Cameron Diaz is 52 years old.

How old is Cameron Diaz in days now?

Cameron Diaz is 52 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 19,203 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cameron Diaz?

Cameron Diaz's next birthday is in 5 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cameron Diaz?

Zodiac sign of Cameron Diaz is Virgo.

Cameron Diaz is an American actress, model, writer, and producer. She was born in 1972 in California and started her career as a model by working with such companies as Calvin Klein, Levi's, Coca-Cola, and many others. Her cinema debut took place in 1994 with the movie Mask where she played the main role opposite Jim Carrey. The movie was a great success and opened the way for Cameron to the best Hollywood projects. My Best Friend's Wedding (with Julia Roberts), There's Something About Mary (with Ben Stiller), Charlie's Angels, Being John Malkovich, Gangs of New York (with Leonardo DiCaprio), What Happens in Vegas (with Ashton Kutcher), Knight and Day (with Tom Cruise), Bad Teacher (with Justin Timberlake), The Counselor, The Other Woman, etc. are among the most notable works of her. Cameron dated a number of celebrities, including a singer Justin Timberlake, an actor Jared Leto, a producer Carlos de la Torre, or a baseball player Alex Rodriguez. In 2015 she got married to a musician Benji Madden. Cameron Diaz is known for her environmental activism. In the early 2020 she became mum of a lovely daughter. In spring 2024 they became parents again and welcomed a son.

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