How old is Cameron Dallas?

Cameron Dallas was born on 8 September 1994.
Cameron Dallas is 30 years old.

How old is Cameron Dallas in days now?

Cameron Dallas is 30 years 6 months 20 days old.
Total 11,159 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Cameron Dallas?

Cameron Dallas's next birthday is in 5 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Cameron Dallas?

Zodiac sign of Cameron Dallas is Virgo.

Cameron Dallas is a famous media personality, Instagram star and actor. He was born in 1994 in San Bernardino and brought up by his single mom, Gina, together with his sister, Sierra. Cameron is of American, Scottish, German, and Mexican origins. He became famous for his entertaining and funny videos and pranks, which he started posting on Vine in 2012. He managed to attract over 9 million followers on his Vine and Twitter, which made him the 11th most popular Viner in 2013. As of the mid 2021, there are over 22 million followers on his Instagram account which is quite an impressive number. Dallas was a part of Magcon Boys project, which involved other media stars like Shawn Mendes, Matt Espinosa, and others. In 2014 Dallas was involved in modeling and presenting new clothing lines of Calvin Klein, as well as his own ones. Soon he received a Teen Choice Award for the Most Popular Viner. He tried himself as an actor by taking part in cinema movies like Expelled, The Outfit, etc. In 2015, he played himself in a popular Netflix TV Series Chasing Cameron. Cameron Dallas loves his family, especially his mom, as well as his dogs, the people of his town, baseball, and is known as a young man with a very kind heart.

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