How old is Cali Rush?
Cali Rush was born on 11 January 2014.
Cali Rush is 11 years old.
How old is Cali Rush in days now?
Cali Rush is 11 years 2 months 18 days old.
Total 4,095 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Cali Rush?
Cali Rush's next birthday is in 9 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Cali Rush?
Zodiac sign of Cali Rush is Capricorn.
A cute and talented social media star, Cali Rush is a daughter of a successful YouTube vlogger Tray Rush who rose to fame alongside his wife and Cali's mum Kashia Rash, as well as their two other children. Cali was born in 2014 in Canada and is growing up there as a member of this wonderful family. She gets on really well with her brother and sister, and is a lovely and very outgoing girl. Their joint family channel titled The Rash Fam has been growing in popularity and as of the early 2023 it enjoys the attention of over 2.5 million followers, and it is possible to find plenty of interesting things, topics, and stuff there. In addition, Cali has her personal named Cali's Playhouse, with the number of the subscribers close to 2.2 million people. It is the place where one can watch some interesting videos about Cali Rush's daily life, adventures, and cool stories. One of her very early videos dated back by 2016 and named What's Wrong With Cali attracted a lot of public attention and was watched by over 5 million people.