How old is Bruno Mars?
Bruno Mars was born on 8 October 1985.
Bruno Mars is 39 years old.
How old is Bruno Mars in days now?
Bruno Mars is 39 years 5 months 22 days old.
Total 14,418 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bruno Mars?
Bruno Mars's next birthday is in 6 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bruno Mars?
Zodiac sign of Bruno Mars is Libra.
Bruno Mars (Peter Gene Hernandez) is an American singer and songwriter, choreographer and artist, who has been increasing his popularity lately due to his new interesting artistic ideas and projects. He was born in 1985 in Honolulu, to a family of musicians. He is of the Philippine and Puerto Rican origins. In his childhood he used to take part in various concerts and performances which involved the whole family (his father was playing drums and his mom used to sing). Little Bruno was a big fan of Elvis Presley and used to mimic his singing style perfectly well. When he was in secondary school, he started composing his own songs and in 1992 he recorded his first professional composition which can be heard in the movie Honeymoon in Las Vegas. Bruno considered himself to be a weirdo, he used to tell everyone that he is from Mars, so his name has transformed into Bruno Mars. He released his first album in 2010, with the first single “Just The Way You Are” hitting American charts as Number 1. He created his own band The Hooligans which supported Bruno during his endless tours and numerous performances. Bruno has a very distinguishable voice and style, with Sinatra style hats and long sleeved checked shirts. He is a Grammy-winning composer with plenty of appearance in various popular TV shows and sports events. He dated a great number of models and beautiful young ladies of our times, starting with Rita Ora and Yuliya Loukashina, and ending up with Haitian and Puerto-Rican models. He was stricken by a sudden death of his mom, who passed away when she was only 55. Bruno Mars is involved in plenty of charity-related activities and he used to support the all-girls band of his sister, the Lylas. He loves tattoos and cats. As of the late 2023, he is working as a part of a duo Silk Sonic.