How old is BruceDropEmOff?
BruceDropEmOff was born on 23 September 2000.
BruceDropEmOff is 24 years old.
How old is BruceDropEmOff in days now?
BruceDropEmOff is 24 years 6 months 8 days old.
Total 8,955 days old now.
When is the next birthday of BruceDropEmOff?
BruceDropEmOff's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of BruceDropEmOff?
Zodiac sign of BruceDropEmOff is Libra.
BruceDropEmOff is a charismatic streamer and a Twitch star who is a really creative and funny young man. He was born in 2000 in Georgia and spent his childhood in the city of Riverdale. His early childhood years were spent at the computer and Bruce has been an avid gamer since he was a young child. In his early teen ages one more passion added which was streaming. He opened his twitch channel when we was 15 years old and began doing some great streams focused on gaming content first, and then one some funny and entertaining events. As of the mid 2024, there are over a million followers on his channel. In addition to twitch he can be found on YouTube which is the place to watch more of some great comedy related content. BruceDropEmOff is an avid Instagram user as well, and currently there are almost a half million followers there.
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