How old is Bruce Willis?
Bruce Willis was born on 19 March 1955.
Bruce Willis is 69 years old.
How old is Bruce Willis in days now?
Bruce Willis is 69 years 11 months 18 days old.
Total 25,558 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bruce Willis?
Bruce Willis's next birthday is in 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bruce Willis?
Zodiac sign of Bruce Willis is Pisces.
Bruce Willis is one of the Hollywood actors best known for his portrayals of the saviors of our planet, with his roles in such movies as The Fifth Element or Armageddon. The future actor was born in 1955 in Germany, to a family of an American father and German mother. In his high school times, in order to fight the problem of stuttering, Bruce joined the school drama club and unexpectedly found his devotion for life. His professional career began in the early 1980s with a few movies, but a good fame found Brice Willis when he started participating in Moonlighting TV series. For his career, Bruce Willis appeared in over 60 movies, with the ones like Die Hard series, Pulp Fiction, Death Becomes Her, Sine City, The Sixth Sense, The Expendables, and a lot of others. Willis is extremely successful in playing both in drama and action movies. He was married to Demi Moore, they have 3 daughters. In 2000 the couple divorced, and 9 years later Willis married Emme Heming, a British model, and the couple has got 2 daughters.