How old is Brooklyn McKnight?

Brooklyn McKnight was born on 31 December 1999.
Brooklyn McKnight is 25 years old.

How old is Brooklyn McKnight in days now?

Brooklyn McKnight is 25 years 2 months 22 days old.
Total 9,216 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brooklyn McKnight?

Brooklyn McKnight's next birthday is in 9 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brooklyn McKnight?

Zodiac sign of Brooklyn McKnight is Capricorn.

Brooklyn McKnight is a young YouTube star and an Internet sensation who is one of the four daughters of Mindy McKnight, a lady who runs the YouTube channel the Cute Girls Hairstyle. Brooklyn was born in 1999 in Utah and she has an identical twin sister, Bailey McKnight, who is also a YouTuber. The girls have their joint channel, Brooklyn and Bailey, which is quite popular among the family fans. In total, there are six children in the family of Mindy and Shawn McNight, with four sisters and two adopted children who are the youngest and the most loved. Brooklyn and Bailey have a younger sister Kamri Noel McNight whose YouTube channel is probably the most popular in the family. Their younger sister Rylan McNight appears mostly in the joint family channel. Their mom Mindy is a hairstylist and she opened her first YouTube channel when her daughters Bailey and Brooklyn were just one year old. In addition to the current 7 million followers of their joint channel (as of the late 2024), Bailey and Brooklyn McKnight run one more YouTube channel Squared which talks about incidental twins around the world like Vanessa Merrell and Veronica Merell, and others.Brooklyn can also be found on Instagram, with the number of subscribers close to 6 million people.

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