How old is Brinkley Cheo?

Brinkley Cheo was born on 21 October 2008.
Brinkley Cheo is 16 years old.

How old is Brinkley Cheo in days now?

Brinkley Cheo is 16 years 5 months 7 days old.
Total 6,002 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brinkley Cheo?

Brinkley Cheo's next birthday is in 6 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brinkley Cheo?

Zodiac sign of Brinkley Cheo is Libra.

Brinkley Cheo is a TikTok star whose content is very varied and focused on different kinds of topics, from fashion and healthy lifestyle to some entertaining stuff and choreography. She was born in 2008 in California and spent her early years in Mission Viejo, alongside her family. She is very close with her sister and often they do some content together, both of them love music and dancing, and as children they used to read websites about fashion and learn to dance. Brinkley opened her channel in the early 2023 and began to upload a lot of interesting videos some tips about lifestyle, outfit, look, make up, music, and such. Some of her early videos went viral and helped her to attract the first hundred of thousand people. She extended the topics of her videos to commenting and reviewing some cosmetics and skin care products, etc. One of her videos with Brinkley dancing to a speed up song of Beyonce has attracted a large number of views. Currently (as of December 2024), there are over 380,000 people following her channel. Brinkley Cheo is a very nice and creative TikTok content maker, with great perspectives on the platform.

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